Can You Microwave Eggs In Shell?

Eggs are a popular breakfast food, and many people like to prepare them by microwaving them in the morning before they go to work. But is it safe to microwave eggs in the shell?

This article will explore whether can you microwave an egg in the shell and the safety of cooking eggs in the microwave and what to watch while cooking eggs in the oven.

What will happens if you put an egg in the microwave?

You can cook eggs in the microwave, but they’ll turn hard and tough. The egg will expand because of the heat from the microwave. Microwave-cooked eggs must create some safety concerns if you want to eat them.

Precautions while microwaving eggs

If you intend to microwave an egg in the microwave, it is necessary to follow some of these precautions to avoid any damage.

When microwaving eggs in the shell, it’s important to use caution and pay close attention to the time your eggs are cooking.

If you overcook your eggs, they may end up hard or rubbery.

Additionally, if microwaves produce high voltage fields, electric currents can flow through the eggshell and injure you.

Can you microwave raw egg withshell

The process of microwaving eggs in their shells can be Aside from not overcooking them, you do not want to burn them either.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • If your microwave has a turntable, rotate the eggshells occasionally so that they cook evenly.
  • Don’t overcrowd the dish. Place the side of the eggshell by the side, not stacked on top of each other.
  • Keep a close eye on them and remove them when they are cooked but still soft.
  • If they start to stick to the dish or start to burn, stop cooking them and remove them immediately.

Can an egg in a shell be microwaved?

Yes, an egg in a shell can be microwaved. Ensure the egg is fully cooked before removing it from the shell. To ensure that the egg cooks evenly, place it on a microwave-safe dish and cover with a dry paper towel.

How to microwave an egg in the shell?

There are many ways to microwave an egg in the shell.

  • One method is to place the eggshell on a microwave-safe plate, spray the inside of the eggshell with cooking spray, and then place the egg in the center of the shell. Microwave it for 2 minutes or until the egg is cooked through.
  • Another method is to place an uncooked egg in a small microwave-safe bowl, cover it with plastic wrap, and microwave it at high temperature for 1 minute or until cooked through.

How to microwave eggs in different ways

There are many ways to cook eggs in the microwave. Some people prefer them soft-boiled, while others like them hard-boiled. You can also scramble or fry them. The best way to determine how you want your eggs cooked is to try them out and see what you like best.

To cook eggs in the microwave:

  1. Wrap them in plastic wrap and place them in a microwavable bowl.
  2. Microwave it at high temperature for 2 minutes or until desired doneness is reached.
  3. Use a microwave-safe bowl if you cook more than one egg at a time.

What is the Difference Between Hard Boiled and Poached Eggs?

There is a bit of a difference between hard-boiled and poached eggs, but in the end, they are still boiled eggs.

  • Hard boiling eggs means bringing them to a rolling boil, reducing the heat, and simmering for 12 minutes.
  • Poaching eggs means inserting them into simmering water and cook until done. Microwaving eggs in a shell does not actually change how they are cooked, but it speeds up the process.

How to Cook a Poached Egg in a Microwave

There is no need to scramble an egg when you can cook one in a microwave.


  • Place the egg in a microwavable bowl and pour enough water or broth to cover it.
  • Set the microwave timer for one minute and wait until the microwave beeps.
  • Poach the egg for the desired time according to your preference.
  • Remove it from the microwave with a spatula and enjoy.

How to Cook a Hard Boiled Egg in a Microwave

There are a few ways to cook a hard-boiled egg in a microwave. You can either use an egg cooker or microwave. Whichever method you choose, be sure to follow these simple steps:

  • Fill a glass or ceramic mug with water and place it in the microwave.
  • Break the eggs into the mug and stir gently with a fork.
  •  Cover the mug with plastic wrap and microwave on high for two minutes or until the eggs are cooked.
  •  Remove from the microwave and enjoy!

Here’s how to microwave boiled eggs without having them explode

These instructions will help you microwave eggs without exploding.

  • Start by pouring a single layer of eggs into a microwavable dish.
  • Microwave on high for 1 to 2 minutes or until the egg whites are set, and the yolks are still runny.
  • Remove the egg from the microwave and enjoy!

Can we Reheat a Boiled Egg in the Microwave oven?

Microwaves are suitable for reheating boiled eggs. Just place the boiled egg in a microwavable bowl and heat it on high for about 1 minute or until it is heated. Be sure to wait until the egg is completely cooled before serving.

Tips for Perfectly Cooked Eggs in a Microwave

It’s important to keep a few things in mind when cooking eggs in the microwave.

  • Make sure your eggs are fresh. Older eggs will not cook as evenly in the microwave and may produce a rubbery texture.
  • Use a low power setting when cooking your eggs. Higher power settings can cause your eggs to overcook or even explode.
  • Be careful not to overcrowd your microwave bowl- if the eggs get too close together, they can start to cook together and form a rubbery texture.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to cook your eggs in the microwave every time perfectly!

The benefits of microwaved eggs:


Microwaved eggs are quick and easy to cook, making them a great option when you’re in a hurry.


Microwaved eggs are usually tasty and omelette-like, with a smooth, creamy texture.


microwaved eggs are a low-calorie option, making them suitable for overweight or calorie-conscious individuals.


Microwaving eggs is often cheaper than cooking them on the stovetop.

Cons of microwaved eggs

Following are the cons of the microwaved egg:

Poor nutritional value

Microwaved eggs are low in calories and protein, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies if consumed regularly.

Easily overcooked

Microwaved eggs can easily be overcooked, resulting in dry, rubbery eggs.

Unappetizing color

Many people find microwaved eggs unpalatable due to their colorless and bland appearance. 

Check this article about how to microwave hot dogs.


You can microwave an egg in the shell. Just make sure to use a double-boiler method so that the egg doesn’t get too hot, and be careful not to overcook it, or it will become rubbery. Microwaving an egg in the shell is a great way to cook it quickly and easily without worrying about breaking or cracking the yolk. Enjoy your easy microwaved eggs!

For more articles on defrosting chicken in a microwave.

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